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We offer residential services catering to children and young adults who have complex needs and learning disabilities. Regardless of the duration or cause of their stay, our objective is to ensure a positive and enriching experience for everyone, leaving them with an improved life in some aspect. Our approach begins with a customised plan aimed at fostering life skills and facilitating their optimal development. This may involve imparting self-management techniques for a smooth return to the family home, addressing barriers to living in a foster home through intensive efforts, or preparing them for independent living.


What is Residential Children's Care?

Residential care is a form of child care provision where vulnerable children live in group housing which is controlled by a specialist provider. The staff work in the living space of the children and young people, using this as the setting support and engage with them.


Take a look at how we specifically support children and young people with complex care needs and learning disabilities 


We also believe in the importance of the simple things, like providing home-cooked foods, promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging participation in daily life.

The purpose of our residential homes is to make young people feel safe, comfortable and valued. Just as they would in any normal family home.

We’ve developed this specialism over many years and are extremely proud of our high staff retention rates and ability to deliver stable and consistent care and support to the young people who need us.

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